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Was surfing the web and came across your blog, loving it! Great style!!! I will be back...

Jayma Malme

Glad you commented on my post...because I found your fabulous blog! Im bookmarking it now :)


I hope you get your blogs back that you had on. I keep forgetting that you are a consultant still, Im gonna put this under my faves. All i need is money and time to do more scrapping lol. V


Aww. sorry youre having blog problems! My re-make is a big to-do on my list for this year. :PCute card!

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IMGP5957My name is Kristine and I am a stay-at-home, work-at-home Mom who loves to scrapbook and stamp. In an effort to share my passion for papercrafts with you, I have developed this space on the web.  Thanks for stopping by.  In addition to my 10 plus years operating a home-based computer graphics business, I dabble in photography and am an Independent Consultant for Close To My Heart.